Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Pepero Day !!!!

Today is Pepero Day in South Korea (November 11th). Pepero is a candy which is long, thin cookie biscuit stick dipped in Chocolate). November 11th is Pepero Day because it’s 11/11, which looks like fur Pepero sticks. It is like Valentines Day.

The Lotte Confectionary Company introduced Pepero to Korea back in the 1980s. Many people believe that the company invented this day to increase their sales. It sells almost two-thirds of it’s yearly total of these snacks in the two months before November 11th (Source: Lina Yoon Wall Street Journal 2006). What a marketing Strategy !!!!
To celebrate Pepero Day, people exchange boxes of Pepero that come in many different flavours and packages too.

Happy Pepero Day 11-11-11 ( 11 Nov 2011)

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